Monday, 13 June 2011
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Internal Lab Exam Questions
1. Write a pgm. to rotate the stepper motor in 3600 in clockwise direction.
2. Blinking of display your name in ROW 1 and your roll no in ROW 2 of a LCD , ‘n’ times
3. Write a pgm. to add & subtract two 3 x 3 matrix
4. Write a 8086 ALP to find square root of a number
5. Write a program to check whether a given number is prime or not. if the number is not prime then find its square
6. Write a pgm. So as to rotate the stepper motor in 3600 in clockwise direction when the data at 3000h is 1, else 3600 in anti clockwise direction.
7. Interface ADC0809 to 8086 with conversion should start by means of software
8. Write a 8051 ALP to add two 16bit numbers
9. Implement a simple calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square
10. Write 8086 ALP to find even numbers in series and store in location starting from 2500and find the count of even no
11. write an ALP to find largest of N number
12. Display ‘n’ characters in lcd with first character and no of character as input.
13. Write a 8051 ALP to add two 16bit numbers
14. Interface ADC0809 to 8086 with conversion should start by means of software
15. Write an ALP to print the following output 1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,…….
16. Write a pgm. to rotate the stepper motor in clockwise direction.
17. Write a ALP to transfer a ‘N’ numbers to a location and find out their sum and average
18. write an ALP to find largest and smallest number from a set of numbers
19. Write an ALP to print the following output 1,1,3,1,3,5,1,3,5,7
20. Write an 8051 ALP to add two 8bit no and display its result in a 16x2 LCD
21. Write 8086 ALP to count the numbers of odd and even numbers from an array and store odd number count in 2500H and Even number count in 3000H
22. Write an ALP to transfer a ‘N’ numbers to a location and find out their sum.
23. Design a simple calculator to find 1. Area of Right angled Triangle 2. Area of Square 3. Area of Rectangle
24. Write 8086 ALP to count the numbers of odd and even numbers from an array and store odd number count in 2500H and Even number count in 3000H
25. Write a pgm t o display prime numbers less than 10 using 8086 kit
26. Write a pgm. to rotate the stepper motor in anti clock wise direction.
27. Write an ALP to print the following output N,N,N…N,….3,3,3,2,2,1
28. Write a pgm to add two 8bit numbers and blink your name in ROW2 ‘N’ times . Where ‘N’ is the result of addition
29. Write a 8051 program to display your name and college name in row1 alternatively
30. Design a simple calculator to find 1. Area of Right angled Triangle 2. Area of Square 3. Area of Rectangle.
Monday, 6 June 2011
data sheets
Sunday, 5 June 2011
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)Table
Non-Printing Characters | Printing Characters | |||||||||||||||
Name | Ctrl char | Dec | Hex | Char | Dec | Hex | Char | Dec | Hex | Char | Dec | Hex | Char | |||
null | ctrl-@ | 0 | 00 | NUL | 32 | 20 | Space | 64 | 40 | @ | 96 | 60 | ` | |||
start of heading | ctrl-A | 1 | 01 | SOH | 33 | 21 | ! | 65 | 41 | A | 97 | 61 | a | |||
start of text | ctrl-B | 2 | 02 | STX | 34 | 22 | " | 66 | 42 | B | 98 | 62 | b | |||
end of text | ctrl-C | 3 | 03 | ETX | 35 | 23 | # | 67 | 43 | C | 99 | 63 | c | |||
end of xmit | ctrl-D | 4 | 04 | EOT | 36 | 24 | $ | 68 | 44 | D | 100 | 64 | d | |||
enquiry | ctrl-E | 5 | 05 | ENQ | 37 | 25 | % | 69 | 45 | E | 101 | 65 | e | |||
acknowledge | ctrl-F | 6 | 06 | ACK | 38 | 26 | & | 70 | 46 | F | 102 | 66 | f | |||
bell | ctrl-G | 7 | 07 | BEL | 39 | 27 | ' | 71 | 47 | G | 103 | 67 | g | |||
backspace | ctrl-H | 8 | 08 | BS | 40 | 28 | ( | 72 | 48 | H | 104 | 68 | h | |||
horizontal tab | ctrl-I | 9 | 09 | HT | 41 | 29 | ) | 73 | 49 | I | 105 | 69 | i | |||
line feed | ctrl-J | 10 | 0A | LF | 42 | 2A | * | 74 | 4A | J | 106 | 6A | j | |||
vertical tab | ctrl-K | 11 | 0B | VT | 43 | 2B | + | 75 | 4B | K | 107 | 6B | k | |||
form feed | ctrl-L | 12 | 0C | FF | 44 | 2C | , | 76 | 4C | L | 108 | 6C | l | |||
carriage feed | ctrl-M | 13 | 0D | CR | 45 | 2D | - | 77 | 4D | M | 109 | 6D | m | |||
shift out | ctrl-N | 14 | 0E | SO | 46 | 2E | . | 78 | 4E | N | 110 | 6E | n | |||
shift in | ctrl-O | 15 | 0F | SI | 47 | 2F | / | 79 | 4F | O | 111 | 6F | o | |||
data line escape | ctrl-P | 16 | 10 | DLE | 48 | 30 | 0 | 80 | 50 | P | 112 | 70 | p | |||
device control 1 | ctrl-Q | 17 | 11 | DC1 | 49 | 31 | 1 | 81 | 51 | Q | 113 | 71 | q | |||
device control 2 | ctrl-R | 18 | 12 | DC2 | 50 | 32 | 2 | 82 | 52 | R | 114 | 72 | r | |||
device control 3 | ctrl-S | 19 | 13 | DC3 | 51 | 33 | 3 | 83 | 53 | S | 115 | 73 | s | |||
device control 4 | ctrl-T | 20 | 14 | DC4 | 52 | 34 | 4 | 84 | 54 | T | 116 | 74 | t | |||
neg acknowledge | ctrl-U | 21 | 15 | NAK | 53 | 35 | 5 | 85 | 55 | U | 117 | 75 | u | |||
synchronous idel | ctrl-V | 22 | 16 | SYN | 54 | 36 | 6 | 86 | 56 | V | 118 | 76 | v | |||
end of xmit block | ctrl-W | 23 | 17 | ETB | 55 | 37 | 7 | 87 | 57 | W | 119 | 77 | w | |||
cancel | ctrl-X | 24 | 18 | CAN | 56 | 38 | 8 | 88 | 58 | X | 120 | 78 | x | |||
end of medium | ctrl-Y | 25 | 19 | EM | 57 | 39 | 9 | 89 | 59 | Y | 121 | 79 | y | |||
substitute | ctrl-Z | 26 | 1A | SUB | 58 | 3A | : | 90 | 5A | Z | 122 | 7A | z | |||
escape | ctrl-[ | 27 | 1B | ESC | 59 | 3B | ; | 91 | 5B | [ | 123 | 7B | { | |||
file separator | ctrl-\ | 28 | 1C | FS | 60 | 3C | < | 92 | 5C | \ | 124 | 7C | | | |||
group separator | ctrl-] | 29 | 1D | GS | 61 | 3D | = | 93 | 5D | ] | 125 | 7D | } | |||
record separator | ctrl-^ | 30 | 1E | RS | 62 | 3E | > | 94 | 5E | ^ | 126 | 7E | ~ | |||
unit separator | ctrl-_ | 31 | 1F | US | 63 | 3F | ? | 95 | 5F | _ | 127 | 7F | DEL |
Friday, 3 June 2011
EC09 505: Second Sessional Question Paper
Time: 2 hrs Max Marks: 50
(Answer all questions)
- Write an example for Co-Processor and EPROM
- Write down the value of 8255 CWR, if PORT A and B are input
- Differentiate between 8086 and 8088 microprocessor.
- Calculate the storage capacity available in a ROM with 10 address line and 8 Data line
- Draw the block diagram for byte transfer of 8088 microprocessor.
(Answer any Four)
- Differentiate between Memory mapped I/O and Isolated I/O
- Write a short note on Minimum mode of 8086 processor.
- Expand Word length and Word capacity of an EPROM, using two 16K bytes EPROM chip.
- Discuss how Memory interface achieved in 8088 microprocessor system with Maximum mode of operation.
- Write an 8086 ALP to sort N numbers in ascending order and find its sum.
(Answer any Two)
3. Explain 8255 Modes of operation with block diagram
4. Write an Algorithm and Assembly Language Program to move a robotic arm 90o clockwise to pick an object and bring it back to initial position.
5. Write an Algorithm and Assembly Language Program to read a temperature sensor (LM35) and store the result in AL register of 8086. The buffer 74LS244 which transfers the converted data outputs to data bus is selected when C0H.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
EC09 505: First sessional Question Paper
Time: 2 hrs Max Marks: 50
(Answer all questions)
- Write an example for 1. Register Relative 2.Register Indirect Addressing mode
- Differentiate between JMP and LOOP Instruction
- Explain the different steps in 8086 Assembly Language Program(ALP) development
- What is NEG instruction? Write an alternate method for NEG operation
- If DS=7FA2H and offset is 438EH , Calculate 1. Physical Address 2. Lower Range 3. Upper range of Data Segment 4.Logical Address
(Answer all questions)
- What is segmentation? How is it organized in 8086 Microprocessor?
- Explain Flag register in 8086 microprocessor
- Write a short note on following instruction 1. JZ 2.JB 3.JA
- Write a 8086 ALP to find sum of 10 numbers. First no. should store in location 2000H and result in 3000H
(Answer all questions)
1. Explain the architecture of 8086 Microprocessor with suitable block diagrams.
2. Write an Algorithm and Assembly Language Program to covert 2 digit Decimal number to Hexadecimal number.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
EC09 505: Microprocessors And Microcontrollers
EC09 505: Microprocessors And Microcontrollers
Teaching scheme Credits: 4
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week
- To introduce the student with knowledge about architecture, interfacing and programming with 8086 microprocessors and 8051 microcontrollers. It gives a brief introduction to ARM 7 and ARM 9 micro controllers.
- With this paper, the student should be able to design microprocessor/controller based system for any relevant applications.
Module I (13hours)
Software architecture of the 8086/8088 microprocessors-Address space, Data organization, registers, memory segmentation and addressing, stack, I/O space, Assembly language programming and program development.
Module II (14 hours)
8086/88 microprocessor architecture-min/max mode- Coprocessor and Multiprocessor configuration - hardware organization of address space-control signals andI/O interfaces- Memory devices, circuits and sub system design – various types of memories, wait state and system memory circuitry.
Module III (14hours)
I/O interfacing circuits –Hand shaking,serial and parallel interfacing-Address decoding-Interfacing chips-Programmable peripheral interfacing (8255)-Programmable communication interface(8251)-Programmable timer(8253)-DMA controller(8237/8257)-Programmable interrupt controller(8259)-Keyboard display interface(8279)
Module IV (13hours)
Intel 8051 microcontroller-CPU operation-Memory space-Software overview-Peripheral overview-Interrupt- timers parallel port inputs and outputs-serial port-low power special modes of operation-Introduction to ARM processors –features of ARM 7 and 9 processors
Text Books
- Triebal W A & Singh A., The 8088 and 8086 microprocessors McGraw Hill
- Ramesh S Gaonkar -8085 Architecture and programming Wiley Eastern
- David Calcutt, Fred Cowan & Hassan,’8051 Microcontrollers-an application based introduction’.Newnes-Elsevier,Indian Reprint 2008
- Andrew .N.Sloss,Dominic Sysmes,Chris Wright - Arm System Developers Guide-Designing and Optimizing System software, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Reference Books
1.Intel Data Book vol.1, Embedded Microcontrollers and Processors
2. Hall D.V., Microprocessors and Interfacing
McGraw Hill
3. Mohammed R.,Microprocessor& Microcomputer based system design,Universal Book stall
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